Welcome to the website of Immaculate Conception Parish in Clarion, PA.  Take a look around and get to know us.  Better yet, come visit us in person!
Our Mission:   
   Inviting People to Christ
   Uniting People with Christ
   Igniting People for Christ
As parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish, we strive to be faithful disciples and stewards of Jesus Christ.  Living the Gospel, drawing strength from the Eucharist and the sacraments, and promoting works of charity and justice, we seek to share our faith.




For online giving, click the offertory envelope below
You may also mail donations to
Immaculate Conception Parish
720 Liberty Street
Clarion, PA  16214



Click HERE (or on the picture above)
to get more information
or reserve tickets to

Hurry!  Only 300 tickets available


Are you looking to dive deeper into your Catholic faith this Lent? Would you like to explore your relationship with Jesus and how the Catholic Church can support your faith journey? Then join fellow parishioners in a small faith sharing group this Lenten season. Through these faith sharing groups, we will dive into our Christmas gift book, REBUILT FAITH where we will discuss how our faith can build up our church and community. Think of small groups as "Friends in Faith" who will work together to help each other "stretch" their Catholic faith.

There will be an opportunity to sign up for a faith sharing group that fits your schedule on the weekend of February 15 and 16.  Group facilitators and members of the 99 Evangelization Team will be there to answer your questions. 

You can view a short video about being "Better Together" by clicking


 For more information, contact Linda Summerville at


Need an evening of quiet reflection and an opportunity to spend time with Jesus? 

On  the Third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m., we will have a Holy Hour with Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction.  The Holy Hour concludes with Benediction at 7:00 pm. 
or more information, contact Deacon Joe, jglover@eriercd.org

Access to Other Pages

Scrip Form
Prayer List
Rest In Peace
Special Prayers
Everett Fritz Mission Videos

 Please note, the Prayer Request form and the Mass Request form have been moved to the menu under "Contact Us"

Also, the most recent financial report can be found under "About" on the menu.


Download the Parish App

 The Parish App is a great and easy way to keep your Catholic faith alive throughout the day.  Besides having information about our church and Mass times, there are daily scripture readings, videos of inspiring homilies, and so much more.  Get ready to tell people, "I'm not texting, I'm praying!"

For more information, go to myparishapp.com

Text APP to 88202 to download our parish app.  Download the app and then select our Parish after opening.



For complete instructions to install on iPhone, click HERE.
For complete instructions to install on Android, click HERE.
To ask questions or get help, click HERE.

If you have questions about the website or would like to contribute some information, please contact Maureen Allen.